•  bdiddy   ( @bdiddy@lemmy.one ) 
    1 year ago

    yeah you’d think when temps hit 114 like nothing they’d start to question what they know. Especially when every day for the foreseeable future is going to be near these crazy ass temps.

    But no… “It’s always been hot”

    Sadly it’s going to be when we have actual water rationing or the oceans have flooded the barrier islands that we built on that people will start to be worried about it. By then it’ll be way too late, and they’ll blame anyone except the politicians they voted for.

    At this point we have to science our way out of this shit. We have a lot of governments with tons of money who could all contribute to the most powerful science team ever to exist and funnel funds to fight it.

    Instead we are still arguing over if it’s even happening.

    • What really puzzles me are the folks who disingenuously argue the climate is changing, but that it’s not caused by human action. Because they admit there’s a problem, but crucially still want nothing done to address or remedy the problem.
