• Right now they are arguing whether article 14 includes the office of Presidency or not but I had to stop listening because I was getting myself worked up about it. Is the presidency an elected office- yes or no? If yes then article 14 includes the president

      • Isn’t it great that the only way the supreme court can be recused from a case is if they decide they have a conflict of interest? You know…because the fact that Trump appointed 3 of them and the wife of one of them actively participated in an attempted insurrection don’t qualify as “conflict of interest.” What a fucked institution the Supreme Court is. Who could have predicted this would happen with a branch of the government defined by “all power and no accountability?”

    • Thank you for the update.

      I started to load it in a tab and listen to it while I was working but quickly realized I don’t have the mental fortitude to listen to the many bad-faith arguments that were likely going to be thrown about.

    • I thought it was really interesting how Trump is a weird corner case because he’s never held any offices listed. Almost all other presidents have taken the oath prior to being sworn in as president for one of the offices explicitly listed.