• My NAS was playing up so I did a restart…mistake! Now every time I boot the system, it attempts to import one of the zpools, instantly kernel panics, and reboots.

    Unfortunately had to nuke the configuration and reinstall TrueNAS (upgraded from Core to Scale now, so yay?)

    Managed to mount the the troubled zpool in read-only mode, so now calmly getting the important data off the pool before I destroy it and attempt to re-create it.

    Ironically, this isn’t the zpool that had a critical error last Sunday.

      • Very overkill for what it does. Mainly use it for Plex, Nextcloud, Minecraft server and other stuff, plus the storage.

        I use desktop PC parts from my older gaming PCs, so it pretty much looks like a normal desktop. The only “NAS” stuff I bought for it were the HDDs and SAS HBA card.

        First put one together 5-6 years ago, and have been slowly upgrading it ever since. Never ending hobby of mine.

        • Ah, I see, just using the truenas software, not the hardware - fair enough! I have a zfs-based fileserver at home too, sounds similar to yours but I’ve been using Ubuntu. Very happy with it, no data loss in 12 years.