• Is it something to do with modding-community?

      If that generates a load of free cool stuff people may play more for longer.

      The main IP rights owner probably doesn’t really want this, they want to develop and sell a new game or expansion.

      • Nah, it’s just Todd Howard. His priorities are weird as hell when it comes to games.

        Like, dialog and story is not prioritized.

        While map size is highly prioritized.

        It’s a bit backwards when the games in question are supposed to be RPGs.

      • To some degree, yes. Very few people are playing Skyrim in it’s vanilla format, these days. The same is likely true of Fallout 4.

        I enjoyed Starfield but it’s definitely missing something Skyrim had which made me continue playing after I completed the MSQ.

        I’ve put close to 500 hours into vanilla Cyberpunk but only around 80 into Starfield. My classic Skyrim, which I did play mostly vanilla, was roughly 250 hours. Where special edition is around 1500 hours purely due to mods.

        But I already know I’m not chomping at the bit to mod Starfield like I was other games.

    • Vanilla Skyrim < Vanilla Starfield

      Modded Skyrim >>> Vanilla Starfield

      Simple as. I went back and replayed Vanilla Skyrim this year, and let me be the first to tell you that Starfield is legitimately a better game when it comes to roleplaying, choices, and quest design. Skyrim has a far more interactive and immersive world design, but to me that falls flat when the game is so fucking boring to interact with (hot take, I know).

      Mods fix all of those problems with Skyrim, and that’s what people are playing now.