Myself personally I get most of my reading done on my 45 minute commute to work on the bus/train. I also enjoy reading in the mornings on weekends and occasionally in the evening on weekdays.

Another thing I like to do with my wife on the weekend is pick up some lunch and coffee and then read at the park.

Generally carrying my ereader around constantly means that idle moments in public end up getting used to advance in the book I’m reading, instead of purposelessly checking my phone or using social media. I think I read a post on here in another thread where someone else has had the same experience.

What about y’all? Any rituals? Do you play music?

  • When I read varies. Mostly whenever I want to relax. Could be before bed, early in the morning, at a park, at the beach, on the couch.

    I pretty much exclusively use an ereader. I have access to hundreds of books in my library in an instant and I’ve found it either to get books digitally than a physical copy. Plus, the ereader (using a kindle) has things a paperback can’t do. You can read at night with low or no light, you can highlight a word, phrase, name and get a definition or Wikipedia page, even a translation. You can search within the book. I do this if I want to go back to a certain scene or I forgot who a character was. It’s also easier for me to hold, I don’t have to keep a page open, just hold the little tablet in my hand.