• BTW, most Americans are sympathetic to indigenous independence movements. Americans take great pride in their native American population and don’t want to see them extinguished.

    As someone who lives in occupied Hawaii, please shut the fuck up with your chauvinistic bullshit. Even if liberals were as politically conscious as you think, it doesn’t stop the government from fucking every single native over time and time and time again (I added the extra and time for emphasis because it happens that much you prick), for their own gain. What fucking planet do you live on, because it sure isn’t this one!

        • and fuck you, you brought the topic to America’s treatment of natives

          That was AgreeableLandscape

          that you think that the US has ever been fucking nice to them

          It doesn’t matter how many times you bring up America, China is trying to screw over Taiwan.

          • what the fuck even is this convo, I was attacking your simple point about america’s treatment of natives. I don’t give a shit about China trying to take taiwan. Do you know what a civil war is? Or the fact that (despite the will of some in taiwan) Its government considers itself the true ruling government of China? If Taiwan was actually claiming independence, that’d be another matter, but the fact is that the Republic of China and People’s Republic of China are in a state of civil war, and the existence of one threatens the other. I have sided with the PRC. The ROC can die, and if it was up to me, south korea wouldn’t exist either.

            ps: good Riker memes

        • Taiwan is a independent democratic state, with it’s own currency, passport, government, laws and has guns guarding it.

          When polled less than 10% want to unify with mainland. They want to keep their freedom. Why do you think they should have their freedom striped from them?