• We can offer hope instead of fear. The right is steeped in fear, it fuels their entire ideology. If we are able to offer hope, hope is more powerful than fear.

    But being the adults in the room we must remember who we are speaking to. We have to converse with them, not at them. If you converse at them, they will simply retreat into the fear bubble because it is familiar, comfortable, and makes them feel safe.

    • I’m not saying we don’t offer hope. But hope and anger are not incompatible.

      You can’t offer hope for a better tomorrow unless you are willing to point out and fix the problems of today. And as long as we are avoiding scaring the right, we cannot do this.

      • Anger and hope are absolutely compatible, I have no idea why you would even say that.

        You can point out and fix the problems of today while offering hope and solutions that lead to a better tomorrow.

        I have no idea What kind of weird thought process led you to believe that these concepts are mutually exclusive.

          • I’m not saying we don’t offer hope. But hope and anger are not incompatible.

            Bruh. Are you ok? In your last comment you literally said that hope and anger are not incompatible and when I called BS you are now saying I don’t know why you think I said that because I said the exact opposite.


          •  Zozano   ( @Zozano@lemy.lol ) 
            1 year ago

            Speaking of mutual exclusivity, I’m not saying we shouldn’t be mad, we have every right to be. The problem I have is with optics, we need to be smarter.

            Another example is during the black lives matter protest, community buildings were torched. This was really dumb and made us look really stupid in the eyes of the right.

            I totally understand torching the buildings of multi-million dollar franchises, but not locally owned stores and facilities.

            And I’m not sure the Defund or BLM movements actually did anything. People noticed for sure, but did anything change?