Thought it could be fun to get a thread going on what beans we’re currently using, maybe with some pertinent details on the brew variables if you feel inclined to share.

This past week I’ve been using Portrait Coffee’s Toni, a medium-roast single-origin from Brazil, roasted in Atlanta. I’ve been really pleased with the taste of my pulls with a 1:2 ratio. Great chocolatey notes, which is what I typically seek.

  • I mainly drink decaf, I find black and white and George Howell have great decaf beans. George Howell is also one of the few roaster that have all roasts (light, medium, dark) of decaf, and a fancy variety that is more expensive.

    For the caffeinated beans I am drinking the future from black and white, definitely my favorite, extremely charismatic.

      • I personally drink decaf because caffeine gives me brain fog. And I find this gets worse when the coffee is properly brewed.

        Decaf coffee makes me kind of sleepy. However it is still better than brain fog.

        I personally prefer caffeinated coffee to decaf coffee, since there is much more variety and interesting coffee that are caffeinated. However I just cannot drink it when I am at work.