I understand the usefulness of the terminal and how universal it is for troubleshooting across distros. But can’t there be a way to make a nice graphical tool for the various admin level tasks that need to be performed?
I understand the usefulness of the terminal and how universal it is for troubleshooting across distros. But can’t there be a way to make a nice graphical tool for the various admin level tasks that need to be performed?
Well put. I do need to learn much of the basic workings of CLI. Any recommendations on how to approach learning?
Just start using the CLI to do anything and everything. Look at people’s bash scripts and look at the tools they use and then run man on them and --help. Tldr is a good tool to get some basic examples of a tools use. A cli tool is not that much different from a GUI tool but it has a lot of benefits like being able to see error messages and far more custom actions.
Learn to set up a cozy command line experience. I use ZSH for an interactive prompt with history search that matches the letters that are typed, starship, and fzf tab complete and reverse history search. It makes a big difference.
Then use tools like pure bash Bible on github and the wooledge website. There’s another site that tells you what every part of a command does.