The core phrase of the blog post: “no one has done an especially good job explaining why the fediverse is better than centralized solutions”.

Feels to me that it’s all growing pains, we WOULD benefit for a federated auth system instead of an account on every service, and we need lots of bug fixing, i just wish all these social media shitstorms had happened a couple years later and not at this point…

  • It is called FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt). This is always the standard tactics of entrenched solutions when sane alternatives show up. That explains your post pretty well.

    If you like monopolies, lack of choice, being the product, and being used and manipulated… well I guess fine. It is kind of like The Matrix movie. Do you want the Red Pill or the Blue Pill. I am not going to debate each feature one by one. That is not the point. Reddit has good features and some really bad ones. Every app does. One of the reasons you see the current dust-up get such traction is that the issues users have with Reddit go far beyond the API issue. This is just the straw the broke the camels back.

    Keep in mind too the network power of different platforms varies. People join Facebook for specific people, so that is a hard nut to crack. Twitter and Reddit have a much lower network effect since they tend to be issue focused. One can just move to another platform as long as the scale is large enough.