There’s a thread about how people find new books, and one of my favorite ways to find things to read was browsing comments from the weekly ‘What are you reading’ threads in r/truelit and r/books. So what is Lemmy reading?

I’m finishing The Passenger, and about to jump into John Williams’ Stoner. Excited to see what is next!

  • Since November I’m slowly working through the The Witcher books. Just finished the 5th book recently and currently looking for a book I can read before I continue with the 6th book. Normally I read mostly in german but I’m thinking about picking a english book as my next book.

    • I need to give those a re-read soon (but i have such a list already lol). For your next book in english, I’d like to suggest The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King. It’s a fantasy novel (yes, King doesn’t just write horror, crazy i know) that draws from European fairy tales. I enjoyed it immensely, and according to my e-reader history, it was actually my very next book after The Witcher series!

      • Thank you for the suggestion! I was actually thinking about picking something from Stephen King since I never really read any of his books but they seem interesting. The Eyes of the Dragon is definitely on top of my list now!