So my problem is that I can’t stay committed to one project for more than a day.

It starts with “Wow, I have some idea”, I create an empty project, work on it for a few hours, and then quit. I keep repeating this pattern.

I just want to finish something.

  • I struggle with open ended projects, so I try to choose things with a clear outcome e.g. give me some PC hardware to play with, I’ll tinker and get bored after a few hours, but if I plan to build a media centre (or whatever) that I’ll put into use, then I’ll commit weeks to researching and building a nice little box.

    Same at work, I try to set myself achievable short term goals, so I get a regular sense of progression and value. To be fair, I don’t have big problems focusing, but I’m easily distracted when bored or directionless.