Alt text:
a person looking like a combination of Lain (from Serial Experiments Lain) and Misato (from Neon Genesis Evangelion) holding an energy drink, looking drunk
“these are the perks of using free software, shinji”

  • I wholeheartedly agree with you. I’m glad they at least gave it a shot, though! But I wish more people were willing to hear suggestions on how they could be better, more accurate, more helpful to the people it’s intended to help, etc, rather than just insisting they’re correct (when they’re objectively not.) I see that behavior a lot with things like image transcription/description and content warnings and I just don’t understand it.

    •  Zagorath   ( ) 
      4 months ago

      I’m really confused about this case because based on the now-deleted comment, they did listen to the feedback and improve it, but then they seem to have changed their mind and gone back on their improvement. Admittedly, adding the new bit in brackets is an improvement over the original, but I think it’s a step down from if it had been an actual description of what’s visible in the image.