• Yeah, I’m not fond of the anti-therapy/psychiatry bent a lot of leftists take. Therapy and psychiatry can be enormously helpful and would be necessary in any world. Capitalism contributes to mental health problems, but I personally would still be profoundly mentally ill even in a socialist utopia.

    • yeah therapy and psychiatry end up being what you make of it in the end. If you don’t find it helpful that doesn’t necessarily make it bad as a generalization, it’s just that it didn’t work for you.

      • Yeah, I agree with the headline OP wrote, but not so much the comic. I’ve been to therapy for different reasons over the years and I’ve found it especially helpful for processing traumatic events. Events that I would otherwise have no clue how to process and that people who aren’t specialised in psychology wouldn’t know how to deal with either.

        However, I do agree that part of the issue with western society at large at the moment is that the focus on monetary growth, rather than healthy living for the individual, causes more psychological issues than it prevents.