I’m a huge fan of David Graeber. Bullshit Jobs was part of what radicalized me, and I read it whenever I’m feeling isolated and misunderstood by an unjust world. He gets it, man. His other works are amazing too, and I’d highly recommend them all to anyone interested in socialism. I’m still heartbroken that he died so young.

Peter Kropotkin is another beloved author of mine. I’m not an ancom, but A Conquest of Bread is a great introduction to anarcho-communism, not to mention being beautiful and inspiring.

Who do y’all like to read?

  • I’m WAY out of line with everyone else, but I’m a big fan of Steven Brust. He’s probably the best fantasy author still living. That said, although there are Marxist elements in his work - tangentially, at least - he writes fantasy, not politics. So he’s a socialist and a writer, but you might not consider him a “socialist writer”.