The title says it all: How can we grow the Rust community here on Lemmy? Many users fled Reddit or are here for different reasons. But compared to it’s commercial big brother, the Rust community here, feels more or less dead. I would like to discuss ideas, on how we can changes that and make Lemmy the default for Rust related discussions, instead of Reddit.

  • I think it’s difficult to grow programming communities. The rust forums themselves aren’t the most active (a post an hour and maybe 2 comments an hour?) and those are official. Can we hope to grow beyond that?

    Personally, my presence here is mostly passive to read news about rust. I wouldn’t mind a bot posting links to:

    • official blog entries
    • blog entries from rust maintainers
    • merges to “awesome rust” repositories
    • videos uploaded by various rust conference channels
    • announcements from rust conferences

    Basically a “global” rust RSS feed that I don’t have to do the work of cobbling together.

    If that bot were opensource, then there could be suggestions to add RSS feeds or some other integration to get news.