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@dx@agegamon The Hase Pino tandem has a massive set of chains because the frame extends in two places. One side of the bike works like a giant derailleur, where the chain may double back almost 3 feet to soak up the slack when the frame is compressed.
@markstos@dx@agegamon 😂 this kind of thing has me thinking I should just have the kid crank/treddle a generator rather than try to get their power there mechanically
@Andres4NY@agegamon That back-to-back tandem recumbent was designed by Kurt Ritchie in Richmond, Indiana as a one-off. He’s an acupuncturist by day who also knows how to weld. The chain crosses over at some point so the stoker can also pedal “forward”. There’s also a freewheel that allows the stoker to idle if they wish.
Besides the exhaust pipe from, I believe he ordered some chromoly tubing from airplane supply company.
The shape of the bike does make it aerodynamic and fast!
@Andres4NY@markstos@agegamon in NL they are still ( custom) made by ACE in Winterswijk. If you fancy one, I can help link to the place where second hand ones are sold
@agegamon For a budget option, there’s the rare mid-loader back-to-back tandem design with plenty of storage between the riders.
The primary frame is made from a custom bent exhaust pipe.
Naturally aerodynamic and fast.
@markstos @agegamon A real life pushmi-pullyu!
@markstos @agegamon Holy chain length, Batman! That might win for longest chain I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen some long ones
@dx @agegamon The Hase Pino tandem has a massive set of chains because the frame extends in two places. One side of the bike works like a giant derailleur, where the chain may double back almost 3 feet to soak up the slack when the frame is compressed.
@markstos @dx @agegamon 😂 this kind of thing has me thinking I should just have the kid crank/treddle a generator rather than try to get their power there mechanically
@markstos @agegamon I need to know more about this bike…
@Andres4NY @agegamon That back-to-back tandem recumbent was designed by Kurt Ritchie in Richmond, Indiana as a one-off. He’s an acupuncturist by day who also knows how to weld. The chain crosses over at some point so the stoker can also pedal “forward”. There’s also a freewheel that allows the stoker to idle if they wish.
Besides the exhaust pipe from, I believe he ordered some chromoly tubing from airplane supply company.
The shape of the bike does make it aerodynamic and fast!
@Andres4NY @markstos @agegamon in NL they are still ( custom) made by ACE in Winterswijk. If you fancy one, I can help link to the place where second hand ones are sold