The article is much better than the headline, and details how companies are trying to make the devices less of an ecological problem. But the framing in the headline just made me think of this.

  • Healthcare accounts for around 1 to 5% of carbon emissions.

    Meanwhile, the meat industry accounts for about 35% of carbon emissions.

    Yah, healthcare is absolutely not the problem. Feel bad about the environmental impact of your medicine? You could probably make up for it with like one less meat meal a week.

    EDIT: link to bypass paywall for the article OP linked. Good read; they estimate healthcare as 8% of total emissions. Reading through, it seems it mostly focuses on insulin pens (which are an absolute godsend). I can’t help but think that attempting to recycle those is entirely the wrong strategy, and that we should instead focus on reducing diabetes cases in the first place. Losing weight, reducing sat fats, and eating fiber are all correlated with reduction of diabetes risk. I think we need some good old big-government regulation to start penalizing foods that have those things in them. We’re all paying the price for them already, time to start making the corporations do it instead.