Are they for you? Why or why not?

  • Finding public torrents for audio books is utter bullshit in my experience. Myanonamouse has a massive selection, is friendly and well organised and doesn’t have absurd rules, just reasonable ones.

    I love the place.

    For anything else not audio book related public trackers work just fine for me.

    • I really want to join them, but “sign up with your actual IP” is an unconditional dealbreaker as far as I’m concerned.

      I don’t consider a VPN optional for regular web browsing. I’m definitely not turning it off for something that’s actually Illegal.

    • It is diverting the content from public torrents for the sole reason that no one can be bothered to make decentralised cataloguing work better than in the early 1990s in my very biased opinion.

    •  Mixel   ( ) 
      24 months ago

      I also mainly use public trackers id love to get some good German films and so on but they are all behind a private tracker but I learned that after I setup by *arr sadly