“Nuclear-weapon states should negotiate and conclude a treaty on no-first-use of nuclear weapons against each other or make a political statement in this regard,” Sun said.

China and India are currently the only two nuclear powers to formally maintain a no first use policy. Russia and the United States have the world’s biggest nuclear arsenals.

    • This is directed to the US, UK, France, and Pakistan.

      China and india already have no-first-use policies. Russia inherited one from the USSR, which was dissolved when the west coup’d them and immiserated their people. Russia’s lack of a no-first-use policy is directed at the guys who represent an existential threat to them.

      • “Russia makes constant nuclear threats and doesn’t have a no first use policy, but it’s totally entirely the fault and moral obligation of the us. Totes definitely.”


        • Russia makes far fewer nuclear threats than the US who flies stealth bombers right up to the border of North Korea every year and is developing new ICBMs.

          But yes Russia’s nuclear policy, including their revocation of no-first-use in the 90s is in response to the US’s actions.

          The current situation is especially ironic because Yeltsin, the guy who executed the coup and burned parliament, and removed the No-First-Use policy, and Putin, were both picked by the US.

          • Fewer nuclear threats, lmao.

            Names a different country and dismisses explicit nuclear escalations, lmao

            Names someone who is not currently leader of Russia, and hasn’t been for 24 years, lmao

            Imagines that the Soviet Union didn’t have internal issues except those caused by the us, lmao

            This is your brain on tankie. “The nuclear power has no agency to make better choices whatsoever, how could the west do this”

            Gosh why do I just not feel bad for poor ol putin here? Real head scratcher.


            • I am explaining history and context of Russia’s no-first-use policy and the specific instances that caused them to change it and how the leaders who changed it remain in power. You are dismissing it because I am not starting and ending at “russia bad, does bad things”

              The nuclear power isn’t making worse choices, they’re responding to external and internal circumstances.

              • You’re coddling a nuclear power by claiming it’s entirely subject to evil us pressures. They could have implemented a no first use policy any time in the past 20 years just fine, but they haven’t.

                I’m dismissing you because your points are wildly silly and blatantly have an agenda to paint Russia as a victim of external forces. Russia is a big boy country, they can implement a simple policy.

                Don’t worry, the us could too.

                PS, every single country in the world is responding to external and internal pressures.

                • They could have implemented a no first use policy any time in the past 20 years just fine, but they haven’t.

                  Do you think the pressures to maintain a nuclear deterrent against a conventional NATO invasion as more countries joined NATO and NATO leveled half a dozen countries over the last 20 years has increased or decreased?

                  Note that much of the former USSR, including Russia has not fully recovered in the last 30 years, and NATO has only expanded while denying Russia’s attempts to join.

                  every single country in the world is responding to external and internal pressures.

                  You have failed to internalize this, hence why you feel like I am dodging or misleading when I discuss such pressures instead of ending my analysis at bad.

                  • Truly incredible.

                    Doubling down on Russia having zero agency because of evil west. Gosh why do I just feel no sympathy for authoritarian nuke waggling Russia? It’s truly a mystery.

                    Brain on tankie is really a sight to behold.