Idk what the culture is over there but it was just a bit funny to see the entire thread I was replying to just removed. Like that doesn’t happen here on kbin lmao. a bit of a culture clash there I guess.

I wonder if that’s the norm for lemmy and beehaw? Here on kbin basically nothing is removed it seems. at least for now.

  • I just looked and sure enough:

    alyaza has removed thread by pillarist - Reddit CEO assures employees that API pricing protests haven’t hurt revenue

    that’s a beehaw thread posted in This is the sorta thing I mean lol. Like what an odd thing to remove? Surely it’s a fitting topic for a technology group?

    • Beehaw has strict instance-wide moderation policies (which don’t really work in a federated model tbh, but they haven’t seemed to realize as such yet).

      Beehaw’s trying to funnel Reddit-related stories into a single megathread. However, if people aren’t subscribed to that community on their instance, they don’t see the megathread and don’t know to post in it.

      Simply put - while Beehaw is a nice place, their moderation style is at odds with much of the fediverse. I wouldn’t be surprised if Beehaw started defederating fairly broadly to prevent users from other instances coming in to their communities without respecting their rules and standards.

      I also wouldn’t be surprised to see Beehaw remove themselves from federation entirely, since they very much want to be their own thing.

          • Yup. So beehaw is a pretty closed site with strict moderation. They’re trying to keep a particular tone and style for users and content (think safe space). Lemmy, in contrast, is open for sign-ups, and just had a ton of ex-redditors coming in with a very different culture, tone, way of interacting, etc. Since there’s so many Lemmy users now, beehaws moderators couldn’t keep up (there’s only four of them apparently), so they defederated.