Jane McDonald and Sinitta join the queens as they tackle the iconic Snatch Game challenge whilst Olympic gold medallist and longtime Drag Race fan Tom Daley guest judges.

  • Ugh… We were talking about in another thread in this community how cringe Snatch Game has become. This one takes the prize. It was painful to watch. On the runway LGD’s outfin was Jean Paul Gaultier and all but I didn’t really fell in love with it. Maybe I’m not familiar enough with his aesthetics but I think Keta’s was much better. I was at first underhwelmed by Tia’s outfit until Michelle mentioned the ship on her head and suddently everything made sense. I would have made the ship bigger, but the silhouette was amazing, I’ll give her that.

    Tia… I am so pissed at her decision. Gothy is clearly not ready for the crown. Her decision could be labeled as strategic but I find it just cowardly. No hate to Tia of course, but she did eliminate my favorite queen and I won’t forget that. It fucking sucks to see Keta go, it just feels wrong =…(

    • This was in my opinion one of the worst Snatch Games. Even the top two I didn’t really find to be that funny in most of the screen time shown. Maybe I’m being a Jimbo simp, but I think having seen her do Shirley Temple made Hannah’s compare poorly. It was so sad to see Keta go. Her drag is incredible and she seemed like she had more of a chance of winning than Gothy. I think Tia’s question for Gothy about if she’ll get past the block on the show was a great one, but then she didn’t follow through with the information given. No hate to any of the queens. We’ll miss you Keta!