• I was a light theme user for very long time, until a few years ago I met Vim with the theme gruvbox (dark). Check out gruvbox, it’s my favorite theme of all time. Often there are multiple variants from it, with slight difference in contrast and coloring. For long text reading I prefer black on white, but nowadays I use dark themes for operating system and many other stuff. Especially for programming / scripting its much more readable as dark theme, for whatever reason.

      I’m still conflicted, because most dark themes suck, but most light themes are acceptable. Have a look here, gruvbox has a light theme and dark theme: https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox

    • I think what Brodie showed at the end was already really great. I know a graphics designer and number 1 rule is to never use black and white.

      But of course this only works if you have full control over all apps, libadwaita? Dont theme my apps? Damn Electron?