There’s a thread about how people find new books, and one of my favorite ways to find things to read was browsing comments from the weekly ‘What are you reading’ threads in r/truelit and r/books. So what is Lemmy reading?

I’m finishing The Passenger, and about to jump into John Williams’ Stoner. Excited to see what is next!

  • Almost done with Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight. Had a few friends and family members talk about how great the Dragonlance books are, but I grew up reading The Legend of Drizzt books. So far I absolutely love it, and if you play DnD I suggest you get a copy.

    • I have fond memories of Dragonlance. Spent good part of my childhood reading every Dragonlance book I found from the library. The chronicles and the legends (the ones with the twins) were awesome.