There’s a thread about how people find new books, and one of my favorite ways to find things to read was browsing comments from the weekly ‘What are you reading’ threads in r/truelit and r/books. So what is Lemmy reading?

I’m finishing The Passenger, and about to jump into John Williams’ Stoner. Excited to see what is next!

    • I don’t think there’s much criticism around the first 2 or 3. God Emperor (4) is where it starts to get really weird, but it still definitely worth the read as it wraps up most of the original threads. 5 seemed way off to me and i couldn’t finish 6. I loved 1-4 though.

      • In the edition the edition I have, his son spent a like half the foreword talking about the criticism (which is also a weird way to lead a book) so at the time it was released it seemed to be a thing at least!

        Enjoyed it a lot. Curious how much weirder it gets