• The experts are right; there are real and serious risks with nuclear energy. However, there’s one huge benefit: you can increase power generation on-demand. If it’s calm and overcast, you make not be able to generate significant power from wind or solar, and nuclear can fill that gap. On days where you can generate a lot of power from solar or wind, you can decrease the amount of power that a nuke plant is generating.

    I think that we’re going to need more nuclear, even as we build more and more renewables.

      • The only reason nuclear is not outpacing solar and wind right now is because nuclear phobia about accidents that happened before half their critics were even born and those flaws fixed a long time ago. If Nuclear benefitted from the same RnD and public support as other green energy sources we probably would have functional thorium reactors so cheap to run rural comminities could run co-ops operating minature versions to power towns under 1000 homes.

        Despite nuclear being shunned and forced out using technology thats stagnated since the 80s its still competitive. With renewed funding and grants to develop further generations of reactors they could easily be the cheapest and safest per kwh bar none.

      • I hope that’s true, but so far, there aren’t great solutions for large-scale electricity storage. For individual users, you can get large lithium-ion batteries that can store enough power for 2-3 days for a typical American home, but last time I checked those were in the $5000+ range, exclusive of the costs of wiring your home so that you have an immediate back-up in case of power failure.

        And, just so I’m clear, I’m 100% in favor of renewables like hydro, solar, wind, and even waves.

    •  grandel   ( @grandel@lemmy.ml ) 
      7 months ago

      I hate the argument that nuclear is unsafe. Sure its unsafe, but how is killing the ocean with record temperatures caused by coal and other fossil fuels any safer?

      Greenhouse gases are polluting the air we breathe. Seems pretty unsafe to me to be emitting literal metric tons into the atmosphere for all of us to choke on.

      Because fuck logic.

      • While that’s true, the counter arguments are Fukushima, Three Mile Island, and Chernobyl.

        The risk with nuclear is that we trade one problem–climate change caused by CO2 emissions–for another significant problem down the road.

        At the same time, climate change is here now, and we need to act or else there isn’t going to be anything we need to worry about in a century.