• I still don’t get NFTs. Not the technical part, but the why-the-hell-would-anyone-want-this part. Like, I can’t even understand the logic behind someone thinking someone else would want something like this. It seems like it should be a simple concept but my brain just hurts.

    • Some combination of the greater fool theory and daydreams of get-rich-quick schemes?

      At least the worst part of that bubble burst and we don’t have to hear about fresh scams in every ad and from that random friend of a friend and coworker’s sibling.

    • A crypto coin is only worth as much as the hype surrounding it, so the people holding a lot of crypto needed something beyond “you can use this to buy drugs on the internet” to generate hype.
      It turns out that more than a few people investing in tech don’t really understand what they invest in, but are highly susceptible to FOMO so any tech company wanting a quick cash injection put together a blockchain/nft/play-to-earn/web3 pitch.