• Nothing justifies the rape, murder, abductions of October 7 and I am disgusted that you are using the propaganda name Hamas chose for this string of war crimes. You do not fight violent oppression by being a violent oppressor yourself, which is what Hamas is.

    • Rapes may have occurred on that day as they do every other day of the year everywhere, and there has never been a fighting force that was completely innocent of it, but rape was not a part of the plan for Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. That allegation was a hoax designed to stoke the genocide against Palestinians, so it’s important to set that record straight.

      That said, I don’t know how you can construe any of the Palestinian resistance as oppressors, except possibly to the extent that the PA has cooperated with the Israelis, but I digress. Violent, armed resistance to a colonial occupier is not oppression. It’s part of the struggle for liberation. No people ever got their freedom by asking nicely. At the very least they were able to leverage a credible threat of violence.