tochd is an iso/cue+bin and other cd like formats to chd converter. It’s actually an automation script that uses chdman and 7z under the hood. The Python script/program only works under Linux and is for commandline usage.

v0.12 - March 8, 2024

Note: We are jumping over v0.11 and combine it with next version v0.12.

  • bug: counter for finish states like “Completed: 0” are disabled, when combining the options -p and -s, because counting these variables is not thread safe at the moment
  • bug: cpu count was wrongly reported when using custom number for threads
  • new setting in option: specify -m auto to determine “cd” or “dvd” format based on filesize with a 750 MB threshold (thanks AlexanderRavenheart
  • changed: generation and handling of temporary folders refactored, now it’s using proper builtin tempfile functionality instead custom logic, currently the folders are not hidden anymore (thanks AlexanderRavenheart
  • changed: due to the new approach of temporary folders, the option -E will finally cause Ctrl+c to delete temporary files and folders before exiting (thanks AlexanderRavenheart
  • removed: option -f and --fast, because nobody actually needs it, its an artefact of early testings to quickly generate huge files
  • lot of internal code refactor for being more consistent styling and naming (thanks AlexanderRavenheart