• They rehash and recycle factions just so they don’t have to come up with new ones, like Super Mutants and the Brotherhood, they usually have to come up with excuses for why their worlds aren’t developed more even though things were already rebuilding by Fallout 1 and fully rebuilt in some areas in 2, and in general they treat it like an Elder Scrolls side project, not like a Fallout series.

    What I mean by that last point is that Bethesda focuses far more on exploration and being able to shoot and loot your way through the game, while the OG devs focused far more on roleplaying and player choice, which you can see in 1, 2, and New Vegas as well.

    •  Malgas   ( @Malgas@beehaw.org ) 
      27 months ago

      Honestly the Brotherhood is fine (if not their portrayal) given that they were in all the Interplay games as well. And the plot of Tactics was specifically about them expanding eastwards. The Enclave existing after Fallout 2 is complete bullshit, though.

      If anyone wants a concrete example of the rebuilding point, Shady Sands is a podunk middle of nowhere village that is likely the first place you’ll visit outside of Vault 13 in FO1. It consists of purpose-built houses that are nicer than anything in FO3 despite the latter taking place more than a century later. By FO2 it is a fully-fledged city that seems like a genuinely pleasant place to live, and that’s still decades before FO3.