Five LA high school students were expelled Friday for the same thing.

  •  Sibbo   ( ) 
    117 months ago

    They expel high school students over that? I mean sure, it’s not good. But I believe that since this stuff is so new, teens don’t have a feeling for right and wrong there yet. It’s also different to taking actual nude pictures of people. I would expect schools to give people a talk about this, and maybe educate everyone during sex education about this stuff.

      •  GBU_28   ( ) 
        7 months ago

        calling out that I’ve read pedos on this site advocating for AI generated content. This is problematic in a lot of ways. Normalizing ai cp, of people you know or not is nasty as fuck.

        This highschool stuff is the next level of problematic because it is based on people in the local system, and is often weaponized.

    • While I was initially inclined to agree with you on the argument of “where’s the law, where’s the line” the article is pretty clear there is a law for it where they live.

      On the one hand, yeah, I generally agree that children shouldn’t be arrested for something they’re doing just goofing around (to them it seems like a victimless crime), but on the other hand, it’s a sexual crime against children which I firmly believe should have zero tolerance.

      AI seems to be getting the same “what can you do about it” privilege as guns, which should be the focus.