• The stuff he’s doing is in response to pressure voters like you have applied. Now that the primary is over we need to think of new ways to keep the pressure on. Protests will have a place, but I wonder what else can be done.

    • There is nothing else you can do that is targeted at Biden, by design. Only voting for down-ballot candidates for Congress who will try to hold him to account might have any effect. Of course, that assumes that the courts don’t continue their trend of handing the President more and more power that Congress previously held (and which they’re doing precisely because people began to understand the power of down-ballot elections).

      • I disagree. The non-committed vote had an impact, protests are having an impact, and there are many other non-electoral actions that can have an impact as well.

        Voting for down-ballot candidates that will resist violence can also have an impact but voting only happens every so often, so in the meantime we should be finding other organized activities that are effective.