I’m looking for a new terminal. What’s your favorite one and why? Which one is popular?

  • My favorite is Alacritty but I don’t use it because of stability issues lol. Kitty is popular now. It seems to have some questionable update policy but it’s fixable. It supports plugins (kittens), tabs and most of the common features. Though the configuration is done in a text file. It doesn’t have a GUI for it. For that I’d recommend Konsole

    •  F04118F   ( @F04118F@feddit.nl ) 
      7 months ago

      I agree that Konsole are Kitty are both lovely terminals that are very configurable. Kitty for text file people vim enthusiasts and Konsole for GUI lovers.

      By “questionable update policy”, do you mean that it is updated by the package manager when installed from official repositories but it has an auto-updater functionality for users installing it manually?

      IIRC someone who compiled from source but didn’t set the flag/config to disable the auto-updater was surprised about that.

      I don’t see the big deal of it to be honest. The vast majority of users will be installing through the package manager. If you compile from source, you can decide yourself whether you want it to auto-update. The whole point of compiling from source is the extra control, not the defaults, I’d guess. Unless you don’t know what you are doing and the package was not available for your distro and in that case, enabling auto-update by default even serves that user group.

    • I like kitty, but it’s configuration system is completely nuts.

      Alacritty was good, but had weird issues with fonts for me.

      I ended up on Wezterm. Lots of modern features, performance, stability, and awesome configurability.