Hi, quick question. I am from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and we usually use letters like ČĆŽŠĐ :) I wonder whether anyone knows about the mechanical keyboard supporting my alphabet: South Slavic Latin.

And yeah, it should be something you would recommend. Thanks a lot!


  • Anything that supports QMK or VIA (or another platform) should allow you to remap keys to those letters. Keyboard layout wise from what I was able to find online, I unfortunately don’t think most standard layouts will support the extra key in their physical placement. I’m more familiar with the US - ANSII layout, but the ISO layout of some European preferences appears to not have the extra key either.

    • Keycap wise too, any standard set probably won’t have those keys, but you could swap in blank keys or get/make custom keys.

      So unfortunately it doesn’t seem like there are many options from what I’m able to search in (I don’t speak any Slavic languages so that area of the interweb is outside of my purview.)

      But… the great thing about the keyboard community is you can make custom ones to fit you. Download a program like KiCAD, and go look at the keyboard layouts some people have had. There are some lessons online too, ai03 (?) had a good guide. And then you can customize your own keyboard to your heart’s content!