• I’ve always said that Turing’s Imitation Game is a flawed way to determine if an AI is actually intelligent. The flaw is the assumption that humans are intelligent.

    Humans are capable of intelligence, but most of the time we’re just responding to stimulus in predictable ways.

    •  Malgas   ( @Malgas@beehaw.org ) 
      74 months ago

      There’s a running joke in the field that AI is the set of things that computers cannot yet do well.

      We used to think that you had to be intelligent to be a chess grandmaster. Now we know that you only have to be freakishly good at chess.

      Now we’re having a similar realization about conversation.

      • Didn’t really need an AI for chess to know that. A look at how crazy some grandmasters will show you that. Bobby Fischer is the most obvious one, but there’s quite a few where you wish they would stop talking about things that aren’t chess.