I concur; the best language is the one you know to get the task done. That said, Excel VBA isn’t the correct language to use to write a Super Mario Bros Clone. I mean you can, but that doesn’t make it the best language to do so.
In this case, the problem absolutely is that Lemmy is written in Rust. The developers constantlystate there are only two devs for 40k+ people. IF Lemmy was written in another programing language, regardless of using the ‘best’ one, there would likely be more able and willing development contributions. Then again with an attitude like this regardless of chosen programming language; I doubt it.
there would likely be more able and willing development contributions
As I said in the linked comment above, I’m not convinced that this is actually true and we’ve yet to see evidence that it is true.
the problem absolutely is that Lemmy is written in Rust … Then again with an attitude like this regardless of chosen programming language …
I mean, didn’t you just say it there? The problem isn’t with Rust, the problem is with people, the resources available, the devs willingness to implement what you ask for and such. The problem sounds to me more social than technical. I really don’t think the programming language is what is standing in the way here 😅
I concur; the best language is the one you know to get the task done. That said, Excel VBA isn’t the correct language to use to write a Super Mario Bros Clone. I mean you can, but that doesn’t make it the best language to do so.
In this case, the problem absolutely is that Lemmy is written in Rust. The developers constantly state there are only two devs for 40k+ people. IF Lemmy was written in another programing language, regardless of using the ‘best’ one, there would likely be more able and willing development contributions. Then again with an attitude like this regardless of chosen programming language; I doubt it.
As I said in the linked comment above, I’m not convinced that this is actually true and we’ve yet to see evidence that it is true.
I mean, didn’t you just say it there? The problem isn’t with Rust, the problem is with people, the resources available, the devs willingness to implement what you ask for and such. The problem sounds to me more social than technical. I really don’t think the programming language is what is standing in the way here 😅
Ok; the developers attitudes certainly are.
Yeah. Pay attention to when I said it the first time so I don’t have to repeat myself.
Sure thing m8, no need to get upset (your tone sounded a bit angry/annoyed) - happy cake day btw, never saw that before! :)