For me, it’s Kerbal Space Program.

  •  WarmSoda   ( ) 
    4 months ago

    Neocamel, I hear ya on KSP. I started playing that game when it switched from 2D to 3D, up until the astroid capture update. I had a sweet coffee mug with the logo on it too, and even gifted the game to family members.

    Then I finally stopped playing, and recently tried it again after a long hiatus… Oh man it was like I never played it at all! The orbital mechanics part stayed with me, but the rocket building knowledge went bye bye. Asparagus became aspara-struggle. I gave up. I think I seriously got dumber as I got older.

    • You know the sequel is in Early Access right? That’s what killed me last weekend…

      The first release was so half-baked that I didn’t get into it, but they’ve released updates now that we’re enough for me to lose a weekend playing it. I still think the description “early release” is accurate, but it’s going to be a phenomenal sequel when they get the features and bugs worked out.