“I think what you’re reacting to is that, at the moment, Biden is an unpopular president seeking a second term while Trump is a popular figure inside his party who is winning primary races. I wouldn’t necessarily compare the two.”

Credit to @JoshuaHolland

    • And then she still lost. Why? Because she was a conservative running as a Democrat because her husband gave her an in with the party.

      We do not currently have a liberal party in America. We have a bunch of dunce christian conservatives on the red side and we have a bunch of brainwashed not-christian conservatives on the blue side.

      We have VERY few that are anti-war, anti-genocide, anti-cash-in-politics, pro-working-class politicians because Hilary and her circle murdered the moral compass of the Democrat party.

      • Look, you have two choices:

        • You stay home and wake up in a nightmare where Trump uses his power to usurp the presidency and end democracy, because that’s exactly what he and his followers want.
        • You get your ass to the polls and vote for Biden.
        •  mozz   ( @mozz@mbin.grits.dev ) OP
          7 months ago


          I actually don’t even agree that Biden is a “lesser evil” in the first place, I’ve talked about it

          But even accepting for a second the premise that there’s nothing to support about Biden, I like how to these guys the lesson of 2016 and Hilary Clinton is “let’s refuse to support the establishment candidate against someone who’s clearly worse, what harm could come of it?”

            • I very much believe – I’m being completely serious about this – that 4chan making good memes about Trump becoming president, because it really is just inherently a funny idea, had a lot to do with elevating him from 0 support to a little kernel of popularity that could start to grow into something.

              • Boomers don’t pay attention to 4Chan. It’s such a small segment of the population.

                Gen X and Millennials pay attention to South Park, though. They see that “douche vs. turd sandwich” bit and think “Hey, that applies to our situation now!” Then they stay home in protest, because they don’t like certain aspects of Hillary’s campaign and ideals, as opposed to hating every aspect that Trump does or represents.

                It’s not about picking the “lesser evil”. It’s about having realistic expectations and analyzing the situation as a whole. During the primaries, you pick the candidate you want. During the general election, you pick the party you want, even if your primary pick didn’t win. That’s it.