How well do you guys sleep? My current sleep schedule is the worst it has ever been and I’m not sure how I should go about fixing it.

  • I sleep usually from 7 to 8 hours. I aim for 8-9 but sometimes stay up to watch programs live and such. I used to always have trouble sleeping or getting back to sleep… As an anxious person I often self medicated with alcohol. Which as we know makes sleep terrible. Especially on the daily.

    And we’ll, yeah it’s probably cliche at this point but I never have been more relaxed, slept better, fall asleep faster, than when I quit booze. And EVEN BETTER, on all accounts when I started smoking weed in the evenings. If it’s legal where you are, I highly suggest some edibles at least, or some CBD of you’re averse to thc. It really does wonders.