I think you should see something.

Like I mentioned many time before, this isn’t my first attempt at creating an aggregator. Years ago, I built something similar, and back then I drew a lot of inspiration from Postmill. This time, to avoid starting from scratch, I get some elements from my old snippets. Originally, kbin was meant to be a project just for me and a few friends, so I didn’t attribute the origin authors. That’s not an excuse, though — I should have done it right away when the project became public on git. I have a point in my roadmap called “Preparing a repository for contributors,” where I allocated a significant amount of time to educate myself about licenses, attributions, and so on. Unfortunately, everything unfolded in the wrong order.


I think Emma is right. Since I share my small successes with you, I also want to be transparent about my failures and mistakes. I will push the proper attributions to the repository today along with some critical fixes.

To avoid reinventing the wheel, I took some code used in federation from Pixelfed as well. Essentially, there are two projects two projects will be marked. However, I have never concealed this fact:


I mean that I’m not a guy who wants to steal your code. It’s obvious that someone will take a look at the code of a project that is very similar to theirs. Sometimes, I just become terribly messy when I have to do many things at once. This lesson will definitely teach me to prioritize tasks better.

In the end, I can only promise that once everything settles down and I manage to extract a library for ActivityPub, I will revisit the Postmill repository, this time with a pull request proposal.

You should definitely check it out.

https://postmill.xyz/ - Project page
https://raddle.me/ - Postmill instance
https://pixelfed.org/ - Of course, everyone here is familiar with this one ;)

PS. the website should be running a bit faster. I will talk about it next time.

  • I’m glad you’re owning this as you are. I was also encouraged by the reference to assuming good intent (or good faith, WP:AGF) at your repo. I know that this is terribly embarrassing and difficult, but it’s also something that can be amicably resolved and become a really powerful lesson for everyone.

    Software development can be a pretty messy business. In my context, we’ve been trying to be much much more careful with copyrights and licensing. It’s much easier to make such mistakes and people realize.

    Heck, I spent two days last week tracking down some nasty memory and resource leaks. Did sone research online. Turns out that an intern, about a year ago, tried to resolve a problem by straight up copying a hefty amount of code from stack exchange. This was a doozy too. It was performing some coding gymnastics most people aren’t even well acquainted with. It seemed like it solved the problem though, so copy-paste-commit.

    Copy paste. Copy paste. It can be the bane of so many problems.

    Take care of this, Ernest. Do right by the author. And the world is a better place for it.