Really nice video on this, what are your thoughts? How can we turn it around?

  • I’m very afraid another alternative is being conisidered here, and it’s worse than any of these.

    It’s fascism.

    And there’s sadly precedent for it, economic crisis leads to political and social instability that can be cleverly exploited by appealing to peoples’ emotions and putting them against an imagined enemy in other people, when the real enemy is hovering above us and cheering it on.

    • Indeed. And you can already see fascism becoming more and more popular in places around the world. The defining traits of fascism are so plainly visible that anyone with access to a history book can easily identify it. But fascism says that it is not fascism, but instead is the force for a better country, for a cleaner culture, for a more prosperous people, and so the followers do nothing except fight the people trying to attack it.