And if there is a migration tool from onenote to the alternative that would be even better.

  • Joplin is great. It can’t do the handwritten notes like onenote as far as I know, but otherwise I think it’s got pretty good feature parity. You can sync it using an existing nextcloud, WebDAV, or even onedrive or dropbox if you don’t want to deal with the hassle of self-hosting at all.

    •  NightOwl   ( ) OP
      2 years ago

      I see Joplin being recommended a lot and with some onenote migration tools I think I’m leaning towards it. I use onenote to copy paste images and then type in notes, but also use a drawing tablet to write some short notes on images and highlight stuff; sometimes mouse if I’m too lazy to connect the tablet. Is Joplin able to do that? I don’t do like entire pages of handwritten notes.