Reddit CEO Steve Huffman said he wants to end user-led protest by instituting a rule that would allow users to vote out moderators who have overseen the protest. NBC News’ David Ingram shares the latest.

  • I am sure they will find a lot of “users” who will vote… and then they can claim it was a fair game, haha. I am really enjoying this from afar. Not a day passes until another hilarious “press statement” from that spez. I really loved Reddit for what it was with all the smaller niche communities. These are the ones I miss here, but I hope growth continues and good people come over to populate the fediverse and bring over their unique ideas and discussions.

    • Not a day passes until another hilarious “press statement” from that spez

      It really is something new every day, isn’t it? And it’s begun to be entertaining to watch the collapse

      To quote a reddit admin’s (kn0thing) -11k downvoted comment from an infamous incident 8 years ago:

      Popcorn tastes good.