Are there any? Other than heavy attack weapons like gunblades and glaives

  •  sandriver   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    Light attack spam weapons to get you through the regular star chart? You’ll want anything with big range and high damage, so like slide attack whips, light attack and slide attack heavy blades, polearms.

    Some picks:

    Stropha is the highest light attack DPS weapon in the game, and it has punchthrough, and you can build it as a heavy attack weapon or a 12x heavy hybrid later on when you have mods.

    Broken War is free and strong, and a Corrosive build will carry you all the way to SP. Run and slash, things die; very good.

    You can do regular Circuit for the Duviri melees. Edun is great right out the gates.

    Kuva Shildeg is a gigantic meat mincer and good all the way into SP.