• It is mandatory for all Beehaw users to be nice so, be nice to me even though I contribute little to the discussion; a little is better than nothing! You could have said, “Oh, lisko, how did you avoid getting to debt?”

    • Hey there,

      You seem to either be struggling with this instance or a troll. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume the former.

      Entering into a thread and posting a comment which adds nothing to the discussion and is vaguely passive aggressive is not being nice. When you’re not being nice, no one is obligated to treat you in the same manner.

      Replying to this message arguing about how you are not in the wrong like you’ve done in the past is not going to win you any favor. Asking me to explain why this behavior wasn’t nice won’t fly either, it’s clear others interpreted your comments in a similar fashion merely by the way they’ve been responding to you.

      This is your second warning. Be nice. If you’re truly struggling with how to act online so that others view you as a nice person, Google and the library are your friends, feel free to educate yourself.