• Unfortunately i was having a blast since Classic launched and i could play again what i once fell in love with. It’s easy to stop when the offering is modern Wow which in my opinion is really bad. I was having so much fun with Classic Hardcore and Classic Era. Time to stop completely or play on bad private servers i guess.

    • play on bad private servers i guess

      Oh damn, I ate too many selfhosted letters, I’m afraid I’ll have to vomit.

      Vanilla vmangos
      TBC cmangos
      WotLK AzerothCore TrinityCore

      Haaaa, I think it’s finally over…


      Urgh. Sorry. Nothing to see here, move along everybody!

    • Alternatively, boycotting a company really doesn’t do shit these days. People have short memories and you’ll never get enough people boycotting Blizzard to actually make an impact. Especially over an issue like this. People stop caring about a boycott for much bigger things, a boycott over something like this would never accomplish anything. They’re probably recouping more money from their change than they are losing over this.

      Really the only way change happens is for people like Rossman to draw enough attention to an issue that Congress actually does something about it. Your exercise is a noble one, but it’s an exercise in futility. That being said, I haven’t given Blizzard any money since the workplace harassment scandal came out.

      •  stardust   ( @stardust@lemmy.ca ) 
        6 months ago

        Yeah, bad press has been the most effective since companies will still make their money. Like Dragon Dogma 2 steam count numbers are high at 100k+, so people are going to buy it. But, the bad reviews from people who bought it at least has led to bad press. So vocal complaints putting a company be into PR mode has a better chance than boycotts that are easily undone by people who don’t follow it.