
I’m just wondering how you guys find your artists. Do you have one artist that does all your tats, or are you a bit of a walking catalog for various artists?

The reason I’m asking is that I currently use instagram to find and keep track of artists, but I really don’t like the app all that much. Googling local shops also doesn’t always give me good results.

If you know of any good alternative methods other than wandering around a city and walking into random shops, let me know! :)

  • @annenas all of my tattoos (except for 2) were given by people I knew already or at random tattoo parties where everyone just tattoos each other. I personally find most shops quite unappealing and think tattooing is such a personal thing that it is much better outside the bounds of capitalism. Though I think the fact that people are making their living making art is great I think this is all a precarious balance.