•  Admiral Patrick   ( @ptz@dubvee.org ) 
    3 months ago

    OFC my state is on this list. :sigh:

    I’m trying, folks. I’m fucking trying.

    We’re not all evangelistic rubes who keep voting these crazies in, but voter apathy is a huge problem here. I did get a few people to vote last year time, but it’s not nearly enough.

      • Thanks. I definitely see getting even one more person out to vote as a win, for sure. The big punch in the gut, though, was that the Democratic delegate for my county switched parties after being elected and is on board with this.

        Trying to stay motivated is about all I can do. 🥴

    • I feel you. Whenever I mentioned where I’m from it’s always either “Oh, y’all so crazy and stupid 🤪” or “If you don’t like it, just move🙄”. Like how narrow minded and naive can you be? It’s almost as if others like to downplay and ignore the work you put in to fighting for basic human rights.

      • Thanks. Yep, that’s how it is alright.

        I’ve thought about and half-planned to move, but with my house, good job, and family here, it’s a tough thing to do. I’ve since settled on sticking it out and fighting to make things better like you said.

    • I love and miss Missouri so much. My family has lived there since it was a state, and St. Louis is the only place i have ever felt truly at home. But i dont see myself leaving Ohio to move back there anytime soon, and Ohio is a fucking mess of it’s own right now.