No mention of the NDP. If only that was the “something different” people were willing to try.

  • People are mad, I don’t blame them for being mad. I blame them for being stupid enough to think the Conservatives will make anything better.

    We spent 11 years under Harper watching housing prices skyrocket too, even with the global housing collapse in the middle he still left prices 40% higher than when they started.

    The conservatives are going to get 4 years, and they’re going to spend the entire time blaming the fact that things are still getting worse on the Liberals. They may even get a second 4 years before people realize that the Conservatives also can’t(or won’t) fix the affordability problems.

    • My favorite part comes in 6 years when the Conservatives have lost again and they’re campaigning on all the problems they caused in heir tenure while blaming said problems on the Liberals.

    • People are blaming the federal government for things that their elected premiers have caused. Just look at the provincial landscape, nearly all conservative premiers.

      And premiers are the ones who affect our daily lives.

      Yes, people are stupid. If more of them spent less time thinking about fucking Trudeau, maybe they’d see who’s actually causing their hardships.

    • It’s frustrating seeing conservative followers claim the the current government is lying to them based only on the lies they are hearing from conservative leaders.

      Is no one capable of fact checking what they hear? It’s exhausting hearing the same bogus statements over and over and over.

        • Listening to anyone doesn’t mean you’re getting all the facts. We have to do our own legwork here instead of allowing ourselves to simply agree with what our confirmation bias dictates and some politician says.

          That’s what our opinions should be based on instead … facts alone.

    • Harper implemented the points system for immigration. This caused house prices to skyrocket because only the wealthy were allowed into Canada and they can pay it. Then they buy up a bunch of houses and rent each room out to students to pay the mortgage and not have to work.