A fellow mod informed me that about it as I was laying in bed. Reddit sent a message to the mod team and after 1 hour demoded me. I didn’t even had time to see it, never-mind respond to it.

Looks like we rattled reddit enough to start shooting. There goes all that fancy talk about our protest not affecting them much.

Just FYI for now. It’s late here so I’ll see how we proceed tomorrow.

  • Haha what the fuck I really did NOT think they would do that to r/piracy of all things. Ah well fuck them and their shitty IPO. I‘m here with you guys for good, the structure of the fediverse suits our purposes and community better anyway.

      • I would imagine too, but who knows, there is a different set of rules for companies and the rich.

        Now that Reddit is asserting direct control over it, maybe they‘ll turn it into an anti-piracy sub to prevent any legal trouble.

      • Well, they could just say: “We made a script to track every mod who closed their sub, revogate its mod permissions and notify all other mods in the sub with an automatic message”, which basically frees them from any charges regarding community content.

        They could, however, be sued for not actively removing illegal content, such as pirated things and MAP related things (e.g. r/jailbait)